Breakfast Club
Breakfast club is available 5 days a week 8am – 8.45am (although please note breakfast and drop off are only available until 8.25am)
Breakfast will consist of cereals, toast, fruit and yoghurt together with semi-skimmed milk, unsweetened juices or water. There will be an opportunity for the children to play games and other quiet activities before joining their classes at 8.45am.
There are 30 places available and places can be booked via Arbor. There will be a charge of £5.00 per child per day.
Through Pupil Premium this year, the Governors have agreed to offer a 10% reduction to all of our Free School Meal pupils and children on the Pupil Premium Register.

External Club Contact Information
Artbox Workshop – [email protected]
Premier Education –
Candice Conway Theatre School –
Skill 7 FC –
Starmaker School of Dance –
La Jolie Ronde –
Themed curriculum weeks are held each term and may include ‘expert’ visitors, workshops, demonstrations and practical workshops. We have forged close links with the schools in the Bushey St James Trust and share expertise, CPD and curriculum knowledge across the three schools.
There is a range of well attended before and after-school activities including sport, art, drama and dance.
Contributing to charity is an important part of developing empathy and citizenship and we involve the children in raising money for specific charities at different times throughout the year.
All classes make regular day visits to places of interest both locally and beyond.
Music Lessons
Peripatetic music teachers are available for a variety of instruments in KS2 (years 3-6) through Herts Music Service. Herts Music require that lessons are paid for at the start of each term, and a notice period of half a term is required.
Lessons are booked directly with Herts Music Service and so for further information please see their website.