Hartsbourne Primary School

"Valuing Potential, Creating Opportunities"
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Our Child Protection Team

Danni Harte - Headteacher

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Greg Harper - Deputy Headteacher

Designated Safeguarding Person

Keeping Children Safe at Hartsbourne Primary School

If you have a concern about the safety or well-being of a child, please report it to a member of the Hartsbourne Primary School Safeguarding Team.

If your concern is about the behaviour of a member of staff, please contact the Headteacher, the Chair of Governors or the LADO.

LADO – Local Authority Designated Officer 01992 555420

Summary: Our Child Protection Team Danni Harte – Headteacher Designated Safeguarding Lead Greg Harper – Deputy Headteacher Designated Safeguarding Person Keeping Children Safe at Hartsbourne Primary School If you have a concern about the safety or well-being of a child, please report it to a member of the Hartsbourne Primary School Safeguarding Team. If your concern …
Summary: Our Child Protection Team Danni Harte – Headteacher Designated Safeguarding Lead Greg Harper – Deputy Headteacher Designated Safeguarding Person Keeping Children Safe at Hartsbourne Primary School If you have a concern about the safety or well-being of a child, please report it to a member of the Hartsbourne Primary School Safeguarding Team. If your concern …
Summary: Our Child Protection Team Danni Harte – Headteacher Designated Safeguarding Lead Greg Harper – Deputy Headteacher Designated Safeguarding Person Keeping Children Safe at Hartsbourne Primary School If you have a concern about the safety or well-being of a child, please report it to a member of the Hartsbourne Primary School Safeguarding Team. If your concern …

Other useful numbers:

Hertfordshire Children’s Services – 0300 123 4043
NSPCC – If you’re worried about a child, even if you’re unsure, you can speak to us about your concerns. Whether you want to report child abuse and neglect or aren’t sure what to do, we’re here to listen, offer advice and support, and can take the next steps if a child’s in danger.
You can contact the NSPCC Helpline by calling 0808 800 5000 or emailing [email protected].

Childline – You can talk to us about anything, no problem is too big or too small.CALL US ON 0800 1111 OR CHAT TO US ONLINE.