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Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our Parent Hub !

This is the section of our school website where we hope to answer most of your frequently asked questions with links to help you find the information you need as quickly as possible.

If you think of anything that may be useful for us to include then please send your suggestions to [email protected]

Table of Contents

The School Day

What time does school start and finish? This can be found on our Times/Dates page

What are the term dates? This can be found on our Times/Dates page

What events are coming up and what do I need to bring in? We try to keep emails to a minimum and so the information you need will be sent via the school newsletters. Copies can be found on our Newsletters page and we regularly update the Times/Dates page with key dates.

Someone else is picking up my child, who needs to know? For Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, please make sure you let the class teacher know in the morning if someone else is due to pick up your child, and for Year 3 to Year 6 please just make sure your child knows who is collecting them. If your child goes to Breakfast Club then please let the staff know when you drop off there, and if you have a regular arrangement then please email [email protected] so we can add a note to your child’s records.
In the event of an emergency then please contact the school office. 

Clubs and Music Lessons

Do you have wraparound care? We have a school run breakfast club which starts at 8.00am and a variety of external and school run after school clubs. A list of all the clubs available and who to contact can be found on our Clubs page.

How do I book my child into a club? All school run after school clubs and breakfast club are sent out termly and can be booked via Arbor. If you would like to add your child once term has started then please send an email to [email protected]. If the club is run by an external company, then please contact them directly. Contact information can be found on our Clubs page.

What time does my child’s club finish? The timings of the clubs can be found on our Clubs page.

Do you offer individual music lessons? Peripatetic music teachers are available for a variety of instruments in KS2 (years 3-6). Lessons are booked and paid for directly with Herts Music Service via their website Hertfordshire Music Service

Sickness and Absences

What happens if my child is ill? If your child is unwell and will not be coming to school, please call or email by 9.15am on the day and each subsequent day of absence.

How long do I have to keep my child off school if they’ve been sick? We follow the NHS guidance when it comes to common illnesses. The most frequent queries are around diarrhoea and / or vomiting. The advice for this is to remain stay off school until they’ve not been sick or had diarrhoea for at least 2 days.

 Can you give my child medicine? At school we are only able to give prescribed or allergy medication. You will need to complete a form for any and all medication help in school. The full details can be found on our Attendance, Absence and Illness page.

School Uniform

Where do I get school uniform from? School uniform can be purchased online from www.uniform4kids.com or from Pullens. For the full details please see our Uniform page.

Do you have a lot of compulsory school uniform? The majority of our uniform could be bought from anywhere, but we do have Hartsbourne specific jumpers and / or cardigans. The full list can be found on our Uniform page.

Do you sell / take second hand uniform? In order to help promote reusing and recycling, we hold a second hand uniform swap/sale in the last school week before each half term (three time a year) Parents are able to drop off second hand uniform each morning that week, and collect items every afternoon. Unfortunately due to space we’re unable to take in second hand uniform at any other time.

Where can I look for lost property? We ask that all items brought into school are clearly named so that if found they can be returned directly to the correct pupil. Unfortunately due to space we do not have a central lost property, and so if an unnamed item has come into school and been misplaced please email [email protected] so that we can add details to our staffroom noticeboard.


How do I order and pay for school lunches? Orders and payments are all made directly with Impact Food Group. Orders can be placed in advance, but the cut off for the next school week is always midnight on Saturday. For full details please see our School Meals/Milk page.

Is my child entitled to milk each day? The Government School Milk scheme provides free milk for children under the age of 5. If you would like your child to continue receiving milk after they turn 5, then you can arrange this directly via the Cool Milk website. 

My child has a school trip coming up, how do I book their place? All school trips are now set up on Arbor. You will need to log in to your account to give consent and pay your voluntary contribution. You can find the full instructions here.

Homework and Contacting Teachers

How do you set homework? Homework is set every Friday via Google Classroom. You will be given your child’s login information when they first join Hartsbourne and you can also view this on Arbor.

My child doesn’t want to do their homework, do they have to? We are aware that children have other out of school activities, and they also need time to rest and play, however we do believe homework reinforces classroom learning and helps children and young people to develop skills and attitudes that they need for successful lifelong learning. We would ask that you encourage children to submit homework by the deadline set. However, we appreciate that on occasion, the deadline cannot be met due to prior commitments; in this case, parents should contact the class teacher requesting an extension. You can read more on our Homework Policy

I need to speak to my child’s teacher about something, how can I contact them? Teachers are available each morning at drop off and again at pick up if you would like to pass a quick message. If you would like to have a longer chat or discuss a private matter, then please send an email to [email protected]  marked for their attention and they will get back to you. Please do not send emails via google classroom as the linked email addresses are not consistently monitored.