‘School uniform plays a key role in promoting pride, self-confidence, and a feeling of belonging within the student body.’ – The Schoolwear Association
Our Commitment to Affordable School Uniform
We will make sure our uniform:
• Is available at a reasonable cost
• Provides the best value for money for parents/carers
Second Hand Uniform
In order to help promote reusing and recycling, we hold a second hand uniform swap/sale in the last school week before each half term (three time a year) Parents are able to drop off second hand uniform each morning that week, and collect items every afternoon.
Bags, Jewellery, electronic devices, mobile phones:
• School book-bags should be used for Reception to the end of Year 2.
• Back-packs must be small (eg no larger than 30cm square).
• Studs for pierced ears (covered with tape on P.E. days) and an inexpensive religious emblem on a chain (optional).
• Inexpensive wristwatch only
School uniform can be purchased online from www.uniform4kids.com or from Pullens, 48 – 50 Church Road, Stanmore HA7 4AH, Tel: 020 8954 3850.